Friday, April 12, 2013

Changed forever

What an amazing several weeks it's been!  I left off in late February, only 2 weeks from my due date with our first child, working on a quilt wallhanging for her nursery.  Now I'm a mommy to a healthy baby girl and changed forever.  Kathryn was born on March 14 with a full head of blonde hair (just like Daddy).  We love her lots!
And yes, I did actually finish the pastel orange peel quilt before she arrived - I hung it on the wall just a mere 3 days before and it was the perfect finishing touch to the nursery.

I made each orange peel using this method, then machine-appliqued each one using a blanket stitch.
 I quilted it by machine with a big free motion all over and finished it with a pink polka dot binding.  The original plan was to hand-quilt in the white space with perle cotton, but I got impatient and chose to finish it faster instead :)

To hang it on the wall, I used this tutorial for hiding the hardware.  I like the clean, simple look.

Size: approx. 44" x 44"
Fabrics: Kona snow (background) and an assortment of pastels from my stash
Pattern: Orange Peel
Quilting: free motion meandering
Made for: daughter's nursery


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  1. What a BEAUTY! She is so precious and a gift from God. Congrats on both finishes ; )

  2. Congratulations! She is beautiful :) And so is the quilt! Just lovely.

  3. Your baby is precious! And, yes, you are changed forever once you become a Mommy. Love the quilt. You did a great job on it, and it looks wonderful in her room. Enjoy these "changes."

  4. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby! And your quilt is lovely too. Changes are good. Don't you think?

  5. Oh what a beautiful baby. And the quilt you made for her nursery is lovely.

  6. Happy Motherhood! Kathryn is beautiful and I wish much laughter and happiness! and the quilt is ever so lovely.

  7. Congratulations on your beautiful Kathryn, from another Catherine who was born on March 14! :-) The quilt is beautiful, but pales, of course, next to your lovely daughter! Hugs, Cat K

  8. Congratulations! Katherine is just beautiful! And so that quilt! Rejoice!

  9. Children do change our lives forever--and it's wonderful when it's so joyful. (The quilt turned out so beautiful!)

  10. Oh wow! I just went to your blog earlier this week & wondered why you hadn't updated in a while. What a beautiful baby you have! I hope she's letting you get some sleep:)

    The quilt is amazing too - very pretty.

  11. What a sweetie -- I can't get over that hair and those eyes! And I love, love, love your quilt.

  12. she is way too precious! ♥
    the quilt is beautiful too!

  13. She is so cute. Love the orange peel quilt. Congrats!

  14. Congratulations on your sweet baby girl & I adore your wall hanging. Orange peel has got to be one of my all time favorite patterns. It's beautiful...

  15. Beautiful quilt, beautiful baby !! Congratulations !!

  16. Gorgeous quilt, gorgeous baby!
    ipatchandquilt DOT wordpress DOT com
    esthersipatchandquilt AT yahoo DOT com

  17. Oh my goodness congratulations! What a precious baby girl and such a perfect quilt! Welcome to mommyhood :)

  18. Beautiful quilt!! You little girl is precious! So much hair! My little girl turned 1 on March 12th, so it's a good month ;-)

  19. Gorgeous quilt, gorgeous baby. Congratulations. I just became a grandmother in October and babies are absolutely wonderful! Grandmothers can say this because they get to sleep.

  20. I resonate with your color preferences and your posts look so fresh. I have just added you to blogs I follow.

  21. This is Carolina Cotton Company's Favorite Quilt of the Day for May 28th, 2013! Perfect use of pattern, colors and quilting for a celebration of new life! Lovely! Beautiful! Inviting!

  22. Lovely! It inspires me, thank you for sharing.
